Membership & Donations

RAM Annual Family Membership & Cash Drive

Why become a RAM Member?

  1. It is critical that all Montessori families join RAM, so all our children can benefit.
  2. As a registered organization, we are required by law to maintain an annual paid membership.
  3. Children do better when parents are connected. Research shows that children whose parents are involved get better grades and have fewer discipline problems at school.
  4. Although we had a better year in the past, financial support for RAM has been in decline. Unless we continue to turn this trend around, RAM and the Montessori program you chose for your child will be compromised.

Where does the money go?

  1. All funds raised by RAM go directly into resources for our children’s classrooms.
  2. Starting in the 2015/2016 school year, the school district will assist with the funds necessary for the purchase of Montessori materials in our classrooms. RAM will continue to raise funds to support teachers’ ongoing development and to assist with the funding of the Montessori education program in Richmond.

We encourage membership fees and donations to be processed electronically.

For credit card payments, please click here.

For email transfer, please click here.

Similar to last year, we have reduced our income expectations and our budgeted spending. If you’re able, please consider donating with your membership this year. If you’re unable to donate at this time, there are other ways you can support RAM!

RAM 年度会员费和捐款


  1. 我们孩子们每天在课堂里面使用的专业教具是很贵的,但是当损坏后,需要去修理或是替换。这些专业教具是我们为我们的孩子选择的蒙特梭利项目必不可少的.
  2. 按照法例,我們協會會員一定要有會員費.
  3. 如果家长参与,孩子将会做得更好。研究结果表明,如果家长参与,孩子将会得到更好的成绩, 并且在学校没有纪律问题。


  1. 全部金額放在孩子課堂教學所用.
  2. 今年列市教局同意撥入我們協會每間學校各自$4,000,但今後未必每年有此款項. 所以我們的孩子課堂仍然需要各家長繼續捐助支持。


  • 網路電子付款方式:

For credit card payments, please click here.

For email transfer, please click here.

  • 實體表格付款方式: (請將費用表格交予學校行政人員)

